Friday, February 6, 2015

December 2014

December was a crazy month for us. It took some time for us to recover. We started the month off making a last-minute scripture advent calendar and decorating our tree. Justin and I also went with our friends to see Mockingjay at the IMAX theater. It was intense!

Next we had a 3-day vacation to New Hampshire for a timeshare-type presentation. It was snowing when we left and sometimes hazardous driving, but we got there safely.

We had Chinese food the first night and then relaxed at the hotel before going to bed.

The boys (okay, all of us) loved the giant tub in our master suite! The whole room was like a mini apartment, smaller than the one we first stayed in when we moved to New York but way more awesome.

sharing a bed for the first time

The presentation the next day took longer than expected so we didn't have time to do anything because everything closed by 6 or earlier. So we ate at a Mexican place (I have learned that hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurants in random states have better food than any place I've eaten at out west) and saw Penguins of Madagascar, which was cuter than expected. It was Gabe's first time at the movie theater and he did awesome! Without popcorn too! The last day we drove back and it was clear weather and easy travel.

The Primary kids and their parents made Christmas ornaments and cards to take to a nursing home. The following Saturday, Caden went (I stayed home with sick Gabe) and they delivered the items and sang carols. Caden had a fabulous time, and I know he brought sunshine to the dreary place.

best of friends!

Earlier that morning, we went to a small-business fair to look around for Christmas gifts (didn't find anything) and meet Santa. Caden was shy but told him he wanted an umbrella.

Sunday I played my flute in church. My friend Felicia volunteered to do a duet with me. We were going to ask another lady to sing along, but all the women ended up singing. We never got to practice altogether so it was a little rough (I had to stop to catch our music sheet from falling!), but I think everyone appreciated our efforts. I also sang a duet with one missionary while his companion accompanied us. Although I've sung in choirs and even a quartet once, it was my first time singing a duet! I did the alto for "When Joseph Went to Bethlehem."

The next night we got in our pjs and met our friends in Syracuse to go see the Christmas lights on the lake, but it was backed up for miles! They waited hours to go through but we went home, picking up some ice cream on the way.

In other news, I got called to be the new Primary president. I was first counselor previously. I've been in various Primary callings since 2009. I love being with the kids! That wraps up December; a separate post is coming just for Christmas.


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