Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Boys

It's been a while since I've posted about the boys for the grandparents. Although Caden asks me to sing the Thomas & Friends theme song several times daily, he thankfully doesn't watch the show anymore. He will ask to watch it, but once on Netflix, he will change his mind and watch something else instead, like Curious George. Mama is happy! As for Gabe, he is slobbering like crazy and getting chunkier everyday.

Reading Goodnight Moon to Gabe

Trying out the Bumbo seat

Nap time

He wanted to wear his hat and mittens just like the snowmen he makes in a computer game.

After changing his diaper, I took a potty break, and when I came out Gabe had fallen asleep! That wasn't the first time either (see below).

Last month. Wow, look how much skinnier he was! It's hard to notice growth when I see him everyday.
Caden comforting his little brother. He is so sweet to Gabe!

First time playing with (more like eating) a toy on his own.


Francine said...

That photo of Caden reading to Gabe is priceless.

DAD said...

every baby was chunky for a short spell - even you

Francine said...

Oh and Gabe falling asleep while you take a potty break is so cute. I came back to comment about it because I was thinking about it last night before I went to sleep. ADORABLE.

Lissy said...

Cute! I like the one of you snuggling your baby! So sweet, loving mama! :)

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