Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gift of the Month Club Giveaway & Fundraiser [CLOSED]

Last year I spent a lot on gifts for family and friends. How convenient it would be to always have something cute and unique on hand, and at a reasonable price. Markets of Sunshine's Gift of the Month Club does just that, sending you a collection of handmade, eco-friendly items or direct sales products with a retail value of up to $60, so you have many gift options when you need them.

You can also buy DIY scrapbook or card-making kits. There is a BOGO sale too. Not interested but still want to support small businesses? The buyer's club allows you to make a donation in exchange for a free gift and other perks. If you are a seller, you can join the promo club to build your customer base and promote your business.

The founder, Marsha, sent me a collection to review:
  • Dog-print cloth bowl cover (for microwaves or picnics)
  • Organic cloth towelettes in 2 sizes
  • Bracelet with a cat charm
  • Cat-themed table runner
  • Mini appliqued tote bag in pink

*All handmade items.
*Individually wrapped.
*Variety of items, including decorative and practical.
*Unique gift ideas. I immediately thought of 2 people I could have given some of the gifts to.
*Club is family owned and operated.
*Direct phone line for customer service issues.

*The only frown is something out of Marsha's control:
On December 30, 2005, Marsha was diagnosed with Lyme disease, which has progressed into other illnesses. When you try to kill it, it tries to stop you by shutting down vital organs. At present Marsha's kidneys, liver, and other vital organs are under attack, and she now has Type 2 diabetes. Her weight has dropped from 138 lbs. to 105 lbs. She has to wear a mask outdoors due to multi-chemical and environmental allergies. She uses a wheelchair because her muscles are weak and she has arthritis in her joints. Also, Marsha can no longer use prescription medicines due to the auto-immune nature of Lyme disease.

The medical cost is very expensive and is not covered by insurance. Her family has refinanced their house several times and now have nowhere else to turn for help for her ongoing medical costs and care. Please help her return to a life of normal activity by donating to her medical fund and new doctor that is helping her regain her health.
Her goal is to reach $12,000. You can donate here.

One of you lucky readers will win the collection I received (above), a $40 value! Want to shop from the club's artists? Check out this treasury for all the shops and a 50% off coupon code!

10 entries: Make a donation to Marsha's medical fund. Leave your username.

1 entry: Post Marsha's donation page on Facebook (click "Share on Facebook" under the photo). Leave the link.

1 entry: Visit the Gift of the Month Club subscription page and tell me which collection interests you most.

1 entry: Follow the Markets of Sunshine blog via Google Friend Connect (located at the bottom).

1 entry: Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect.

1 entry: Like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle on Facebook. Leave your username.

1 entry each (4 total possible): Share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or your blog.

  • Please leave a separate comment for each entry. 
  • Please leave your email address in one of your comments so I can contact you if you win.
  • All entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. PST on Saturday, March 8. 
  • This giveaway is open to the U.S. only.


Dhjax11 said... 1

The gve it forward club and thr handmade items club both I would really enjoy! I especially love the giveaway items as I'm a huge pet lover, I have eight dogs including three rescues and three rescue cats! Thanks for thr chance to win,

Dhjax11 said... 2

GFC follow as dh jax

Dhjax11 said... 3

Liked the hand that rocks the cradle on Fb as dh jax
Thanks for thr chance to win these awesome prizes

Unknown said... 4

Followed you on GFC

Also blog @

Unknown said... 5

Followed Markets of Sunshine on GFC

Also blog @

Unknown said... 6

Liked The Hand That Rocks the Cradle on Facebook.
Find me

Natalie said... 7

I like the hands that rocks the cradle on facebook. Natalie Yarbrough

Natalie said... 8

I love the card making kit the best!

ldoepker said... 9

1 entry: Post Marsha's donation page on Facebook (click "Share on Facebook" under the photo). Leave the link.

ldoepker said... 10

1 entry: Visit the Gift of the Month Club subscription page and tell me which collection interests you most. I like gift for a women and them gift

ldoepker said... 11

1 entry: Follow the Markets of Sunshine blog via Google Friend

ldoepker said... 12

1 entry: Following this blog via Google Friend Connect.

ldoepker said... 13

1 entry: Like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle on Facebook

ldoepker said... 14

1 entry each (4 total possible): Share this giveaway on Facebook:,
Twitter:, Google+:,

ldoepker said... 15

jennifer57 said... 16

Like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle on Facebook.

jennifer barr

chevybelair1 at juno dot com

corey1971 said... 17

I posted at (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

corey1971 said... 18

I like the Chocolate lover package (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

corey1971 said... 19

I followed Markets of Sunshine on GFC (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

corey1971 said... 20

I followed Hand that rocked the cradle on GFC (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

corey1971 said... 21

I followed you on facebook (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

corey1971 said... 22

I shared at (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

corey1971 said... 23

I tweeted at (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

Jessica Peeling said... 24

Liked your page on Facebook!

Jessica Peeling said... 25

Tweeted the giveaway here:

Caroline said... 26

I like the scrapbook kit. cmitchell312[at]gmail[dot]com

Unknown said... 27

Liked on FB gregandkendra Gillilan
Thanks !

Unknown said... 28

Gfc Kendra gillilan

Unknown said... 29

Love the gift it forward club, awesome.

Unknown said... 30

Oh I love the DIY kit!

Joyce Ackley said... 31

I Liked The Hand that Rocked the Cradle on Facebook.

as Joyce H Ackley

Gail Williams said... 32

I followed Hand that Rocked the Cradle on Facebook and GFC (G> I like all the prizes and would share them with friends and family. Thanks.

Terri said... 33

I'm a facebook fan of the hand that rocks the cradle.

Terri said... 34

I tweeted about this wonderful giveaway.

jennifer57 said... 35

Visit the Gift of the Month Club subscription page and tell me which collection interests you most.

I like the chocolate one

Amy said... 36

I made a donation. Amy W

Amy said... 37

I posted Marsha's donation page on my Facebook Wall.

Amy said... 38

I follow Markets of Sunshine on GFC

Amy said... 39

I follow you on GFC

Amy said... 40

I like you on Facebook Amy Wickland

Francesca said... 41

Amy W. donation entry #2

Francesca said... 42

Amy W. donation entry #3

Francesca said... 43

Amy W. donation entry #4

Francesca said... 44

Amy W. donation entry #5

Francesca said... 45

Amy W. donation entry #6

Francesca said... 46

Amy W. donation entry #7

Francesca said... 47

Amy W. donation entry #8

Francesca said... 48

Amy W. donation entry #9

Francesca said... 49

Amy W. donation entry #10

Angela Saver said... 50

Like you on fb as Angela Saver

Angela Saver said... 51

Follow you on GFC as Angela Snoozy

Terri said... 52

I tweeted about this wonderful giveaway.

Dhjax11 said... 53

GFC following markets of sunshine as dh jax

GFC following you and commented in another commented way back at the top but forgot to specify it was GFC for your blog....

stracey2010 said... 54

I like the scrapbook kit

pmj said... 55

I like the gift it forward package.
pjames330 at aol dot com

Dawn said... 56

I think Id pick the Summer Fun box or Chocolate lovers box.

Dawn said... 57

liked hand that rocks the cradle on facebook as Dawn Monroe

Nancy said... 58

The Collection I like it the DIY Scrapbooking Kit.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said... 59

I follow Follow the Market of Sunshine via GFC: allibrary.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said... 60

I follow you blog via GFC: allibrary.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said... 61

I like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle on FB:
Nancy D - - - - - - -.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Mammamayor said... 62

The scrapbook kit ,

Unknown said... 63

I shared her fund on my FB page.

Unknown said... 64

I love the card making Kit!

Marilyn said... 65

Joined Friend Connect

Unknown said... 66

I follow Markets of Sunshine via GFC.
GFC name: Chic Southern Charm

Marilyn said... 67

The DYI Kit would interest me.

Unknown said... 68

I follow this blog via GFC.
GFC name: Chic Southern Charm

Marilyn said... 69

Followed the Market of Sunshine blog

Marilyn said... 70

Followed on FB: Marilyn Sweeping Nawara

Unknown said... 71

I liked The Hand that Rocks the Cradle on FB.
FB name: Chic Southern Charm

J. Gray Rosenblum said... 72

I liked the hand that rocks the cradle on facebook- my name there is Jodie Gray.

Unknown said... 73

1 entry: Post Marsha's donation page on Facebook (click "Share on Facebook" under the photo). Leave the link.
ghwasd at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 74

1 entry: Visit the Gift of the Month Club subscription page and tell me which collection interests you most.

Oooo, the Friendship Accessories looks neat! I bet there would be some fun stuff for everyone in there!!
ghwasd at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 75

1 entry: Follow the Markets of Sunshine blog via Google Friend Connect (located at the bottom).

GFC: ghwasd
ghwasd at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 76

1 entry: Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect.

GFC: ghwasd
ghwasd at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 77

1 entry: Like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle on Facebook. Leave your username.

GR Hovorka
ghwasd at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 78

1 entry: Share this giveaway on Facebook
ghwasd at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 79

I like the Gift it Forward kit!

rskilly @hotmail

walk9 said... 80

Handmade eco friendly gift.

debra pauley said... 81

Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect, debbie pauley

Unknown said... 82


Unknown said... 83

joined GFC: sarah jerome

Unknown said... 84

Follow the Markets of Sunshine blog via GFC: sarah Jerome

Unknown said... 85


Unknown said... 86


Unknown said... 87


Unknown said... 88


Unknown said... 89


Emi said... 90

The collection that interests me most is the December get organized one. I never knew about Lyme disease and I am sorry that happened to her.

Donna said... 91

I would like the DIY card making kit.

Donna said... 92

I liked you on facebook.(Donna Kozar)

Donna said... 93

I follow you on GFC.(Donna Kozar)

Donna said... 94

I follow them on GFC.(Donna Kozar)

Terri said... 95

I tweeted about this wonderful giveaway.

Natural Home Maker said... 96

I am moved to tears of joy to see so many wonderful women like you all taking part in my fundraiser. I enjoyed reading all of your comments to about my illness with Lyme disease.

It gives me the encouragement I need to keep my mission of giving going when I see so many really do care.

Thanks to bloggers like Francesca who really care about others for helping spread awareness of this disease.

Many Thanks!

Natural Home Maker said... 97

I have enough BOGO offers left for all of you to try. You can pick any two you would like. Just let me know via email after you have ordered.

The price includes the shipping in the U.S.

If you are not in the U.S. the shipping is $15.00

Sending You Sunshine,


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