Friday, July 4, 2014

Just Justin

I write so many posts about the kids, and now it's the husband's turn in the spotlight. Justin has been on fire at his new job. His superiors are in constant awe over his skills, knowledge, and, most of all, efficiency. He implemented customer service changes that brought their department to the top. He already has worked his charm and can sometimes get a free lunch or snack, and he golfs with his bosses. Most important, Justin enjoys working there. No more stress and a lot less drama. Now when he comes home, he's only physically tired. The only dislike we have is that he works so late; at first he got home around 9, but lately it's been 10. And to think I complained when he sometimes got home from his old job at 7 or 8!

We hang out in the morning, run errands, and go to the park when it's not raining. Sometimes we will go out, but we're usually rushed because nothing opens until 10, Justin has to be at work by lunchtime, and it takes half an hour to drive anywhere.

For Justin's birthday, we had dinner one of the days he was off. We went to a new hibachi place instead of returning to the one we liked in Syracuse. The food wasn't as good, but Caden loved the show because the cook squirt water into his mouth. On Justin's actual birthday, we went to a diner at his work for lunch before his shift started.

On Father's Day, the Primary kids sang and gave tie clips to all the men. Caden wrote a cute little note with his. He also gave Justin a couple things he made at the library. The boys love their daddy so much. Caden loves to go wherever Dad is going. Gabriel gets so excited when he sees Dad in the morning and even snuggles with him sometimes at night. I am so glad we have Justin! He is a great husband and father.


Unknown said... 1

It was really great to read an update on Justin. It was also a really nice read. If you haven't shown it to him, you should leave it up accidentally. :) He sounds like he is finally being recognized for being awesome at his job. That must feel amazing! Go Justin!

DAD said... 2

Justin is as if he were my son. period.

Sonja said... 3

Glad things are going so well for you in NY. We went there last June, too bad it wasn't this June, we could've stopped in to say hi. Hope things will continue in a great way. All the best to all 4 of you.

Reese said... 4

So awesome!! You are an amazing family. It's great to see Justin in a job he enjoys and is valued at. HUGS from AZ!!!

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